My husband and I made the very difficult decision to leave Knickerbocker Yacht Club after 20 years. It has been reported that the club is closing - and although that is not a certainty - I would like to take the opportunity to explain what KYC has meant to me - and so many others
Knickerbocker is more than a club - it is a community. Because of its small size (even when it is running at full capacity), it really is a place where "everybody knows your name." Every one finds a warm welcome at Knickerbocker - from the "old-timers" who have been members forever - to the newest member coming down for a drink on Friday night. Relationships cross the generations and everyone feels part of a unique extended family.
We have so many great memories of our years at KYC - sailing, racing, playing tennis and simply hanging out on the porch viewing the world's most gorgeous sunsets. But most important, is the quality of friendship that has always been a trademark of Knickerbocker Yacht Club. In good times, the amount of laughter is extraordinary. In bad times, the club envelopes you with a tremendous amount of assistance, caring and - (why not be corny about it?)
Will we find this particular kind of community elsewhere? I can't imagine we will. But - wow - did we have the time of our lives!
18 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba
Security IP Cores and Services

With more than 20 customers and design-ins across a range of target FPGA technologies Algotronix' Advanced Encryption Standard cores offer a well proven and competitively priced solution. Algotronix AES cores have been selected by many of the largest defense electronics companies and have been deployed by four NATO countries.
Our unique DesignTag system allows labelling of the bitstream within an operating FPGA for intellectual property protection or version control purposes. DesignTag consists of a small, low power, IP core which is added to the design to be protected and DesignTag reader software and data logging hardware which senses the tag through the chip package and provides details of the protected product.
11 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet. is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet. is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
Saint-James & Albany Hotel-SpaIn
Saint-James & Albany Hotel-SpaIn the heart of Paris, member of Great Hotels of the World and the chain Les Hôtels France Patrimoine, the hotel offers 194 rooms and suites in a 17th century building.Most of the rooms overlook the hotel’s lovely inside garden and numerous courtyards. Saint James & Albany Hotel-Spa is a real haven of peace in the centre of the French capital, and it features 750m² of adjustable meeting rooms, and an eco-friendly spa.Situated opposite the Tuileries Gardens, a few minutes from the Louvre and Orsay Museums, and the Opéra Garnier and Champs Élysées, the hotel also boasts a privileged location near many of the most famous luxury and designers shops of the French capital.Hotel FacilitiesGeneralRestaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Garden, Terrace, Non-Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Soundproofed Rooms, Heating, Luggage Storage, Gay Friendly.ActivitiesFitness Centre, Spa & Wellness Centre, Massage, Hiking, Hammam, Indoor Swimming Pool.ServicesRoom Service, Meeting/Banquet Facilities, Airport Shuttle, Business Centre, Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Breakfast in the Room, Ironing Service, Bridal Suite, Currency Exchange, Car Rental, Tour Desk, Fax/Photocopying, Ticket Service.InternetWireless internet is available in the entire hotel and costs EUR 19.00 per hour.Guest ParkingPrivate parking is possible on site (reservation is needed) and costs EUR 26.00 per day.Hotel PoliciesThese are general hotel policies. As they may vary per room type; please also check the room description.Check-In15:00 hoursCheck-Out12:00 hoursCancellationIf cancelled or modified up to 1 day before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, the first night will be charged.Children and extra bedsAll children under 3 years stay free of charge when using existing bedding.All children under 2 years stay free of charge for cots.All older children or adults are charged EUR 60.00 per night and person for extra beds.Maximum capacity of extra beds/babycots in a room is 1.Extra beds and baby cots are upon request and need to be confirmed by the hotel.Supplements will not be calculated automatically in the total costs and have to be paid separately in the hotel.PetsPets are allowed on request. Charges may be applicable.Accepted credit cardsAmerican Express, Visa, Euro/Mastercard, Diners Club, JCBThe hotel reserves the right to pre-authorise credit cards prior to arrival.Food & beverageThe gourmet restaurant, Le Noailles, serves refined and creative cuisine for both business lunches or romantic dinners.The restaurant is open from 12:00 to 14:30 and 19:30 to 22:00. It is closed for lunch on Saturdays, and closed all day on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays.The terrace is open for alfresco dining from mid-April to the end of September.The lounge bar, Bar Saint James, offers breakfast, lunch, snacks, and cocktails in a very cosy atmosphere. There is a pianist every evening from 19:00, and a jazz band every Friday from 19:00 as well.It is open from 08:00 to 01:00 Monday to Friday and from 10:00 to 01:00 on weekends and bank holidays.Room informationMost of the 194 rooms and suites look out onto a peaceful private garden and a series of inside courtyards. They are all fully-equipped and offer free access to the spa.Area informationThe Louvre Museum (0.3 km) - See the extensive collections, including the famous Mona Lisa, of the most visited art museum in the world.Musée d'Orsay (0.3 km) - Next to the Seine river in the city centre, this museum (which is a former railway station) holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914 (including paintings, sculptures, etc) and an extensive collection of Impressionist masterpieces.Latin Quarter (2 km) - A bustling, popular area with many bistros, shops and bookstores.Notre Dame Cathedral (1.5 km) - A must-see in Paris. This building boasts an impressive Gothic architecture.Important informationThe Hotel is under refurbishment from 19 May 2008 to 14 February 2009. During this time, there is no easy access for the disabled and the reception is located at 6 Rue du 29 Juillet.Terms & ConditionsYour reservation is absolutely secure. All personal data is encrypted and will be processed in a secure takes the privacy of your personal data very seriously. Your personal information will only be used to process your booking. For more information, read our privacy will not charge you any reservation fees for making this booking, nor charge your credit card. You will simply pay for your stay at the hotel.Cancellation is free of charge provided you adhere to the notification period stated in the hotel cancellation policy (see "Hotel Policies").More information can be found in our terms and conditions.
- 10/2/2009 - yorum {0}
Kategori: FİNANS
9/2/2009 ·
Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?
Forex trading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requires experience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highly skilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publically traded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, there are 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.
1. You must be Passionate about what you do.
As Forex traders we all face one unique set of circumstances that does not exist in any other profession. We get rewarded for when we succeed and equally punished when we don’t! Could you image a corporate worker one quarter receiving a significant accomplishment bonus and the next quarter actually getting money taken from their paycheck for missing performance targets? Not on your life!
We do as Forex traders and that is why passion for what you do will carry you through the tough times that are part of your trading business. Asked yourself why you trade currencies and would you still do it if Forex were not potentially lucrative? Your answers will be quite revealing. You’ve got to feel your passion for trading!
2. You have to Apply Yourself and work hard at it.
I talk to so many people that enter into Forex trading with the aspiration of getting rich quick. Without putting the time and energy into really getting good at trading I see them jump from strategy to strategy looking for the goose that will lay the golden egg and eventually quitting while blaming everything else, except the true cause.
I got news for you – you are the goose and your Forex education is the golden egg. The magic has always resided with the magician and not some strategy. Work hard at trading and the rewards will eventually come your way. Remember what Tiger Woods said, “Funny, the harder I work the luckier I get.” Apply yourself as a trader and it will be no accident when your account begins to blossom.
3. You must Focus to really get good at what you do.
Now here is the hurdle most Forex traders struggle to get over. You have the passion and you are applying yourself to your trade, now focus and really get good at just at what you are doing. Be the expert to the experts at just that one thing. Become the master of a strategy or risk management methodologies. Really focus on getting good at it.
Stop jumping around or getting pulled from the last “latest and greatest” into the next “latest and greatest” and focus on one aspect of Forex trading and know it inside out. Know it strengths and weakness. Set your sights on becoming expert on just one aspect of trading and watch it spill over in all other aspects for your currency trading. This is the time to fail forward fast, use every setback as a learning opportunity that will propel you 3-steps ahead!
4. You must Push Yourself beyond the point everyone else might have quite.
In Forex Trading this is simple. Assume there is someone on the other side of your trade that is pushing themselves and sharpening their edge. To be successful you must you must do the same thing. Now is the time to examine your mental edge. Do you know the single most critical factor in any currency trade? It is you, the trader! Sharpening you mental edge is the most difficult aspect of trading, but also the most rewarding.
Start with your Forex education and gain the self-awareness necessary to maximize your strengths and suppress your weaknesses. Any expert will tell you that trading is 80% mental. It’s time to sharpen your trading to the razor’s edge and you do this through Forex education. A constant and never ending process that will become the cornerstone of your Forex experience.
5. You must, without wavering, be Determined and Persist to your objective.
You will fail. I can state that emphatically. However, you will not be defeated unless you allow your failures to control your trading. It is the old adage; failure is not falling of your horse, failure is refusing to get back on. Your success depends on your ability to dismiss the criticism, rejection, self-doubt and pressures associated with Forex trading.
Defining what is a winning trade, losing trade and bad trade will go a long way into developing you as a successful trader. Without the determination and persistence in all aspects of your trading life, obstacle will definitely appear closer and larger than they actually are.
Take a moment and assess yourself and your trading. Do you have the key elements to succeed? Which areas are presents development opportunities? When conducting a self-evaluation it is critical to be totally upfront and honest with yourself. After all, you will only be dishonest with yourself. One of the most interesting observations you can make is that all key success factors are interwoven. One factor supports the other. This is why your Forex education is a continuous journey of forex strategy, money management and self-mastery. Set these factors as your Forex education goals and take your currency trading to new heights.
- 10/2/2009 - yorum {0}
Analytik Jena brings an innovation on the market — the contrAA® series — which exceeds the performance of conventional AA spectrometers in all parameters.
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.
High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources.
At first glance:
Maximum versatility and flexibility
Guaranteed stability
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP)
Unique Flexibility
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.
Immediate Readiness for Measurement
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.
Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results
- 10/2/2009 - yorum {0}
Kategori: FİNANS
9/2/2009 ·
Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?
Forex trading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requires experience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highly skilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publically traded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, there are 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.
1. You must be Passionate about what you do.
As Forex traders we all face one unique set of circumstances that does not exist in any other profession. We get rewarded for when we succeed and equally punished when we don’t! Could you image a corporate worker one quarter receiving a significant accomplishment bonus and the next quarter actually getting money taken from their paycheck for missing performance targets? Not on your life!
We do as Forex traders and that is why passion for what you do will carry you through the tough times that are part of your trading business. Asked yourself why you trade currencies and would you still do it if Forex were not potentially lucrative? Your answers will be quite revealing. You’ve got to feel your passion for trading!
2. You have to Apply Yourself and work hard at it.
I talk to so many people that enter into Forex trading with the aspiration of getting rich quick. Without putting the time and energy into really getting good at trading I see them jump from strategy to strategy looking for the goose that will lay the golden egg and eventually quitting while blaming everything else, except the true cause.
I got news for you – you are the goose and your Forex education is the golden egg. The magic has always resided with the magician and not some strategy. Work hard at trading and the rewards will eventually come your way. Remember what Tiger Woods said, “Funny, the harder I work the luckier I get.” Apply yourself as a trader and it will be no accident when your account begins to blossom.
3. You must Focus to really get good at what you do.
Now here is the hurdle most Forex traders struggle to get over. You have the passion and you are applying yourself to your trade, now focus and really get good at just at what you are doing. Be the expert to the experts at just that one thing. Become the master of a strategy or risk management methodologies. Really focus on getting good at it.
Stop jumping around or getting pulled from the last “latest and greatest” into the next “latest and greatest” and focus on one aspect of Forex trading and know it inside out. Know it strengths and weakness. Set your sights on becoming expert on just one aspect of trading and watch it spill over in all other aspects for your currency trading. This is the time to fail forward fast, use every setback as a learning opportunity that will propel you 3-steps ahead!
4. You must Push Yourself beyond the point everyone else might have quite.
In Forex Trading this is simple. Assume there is someone on the other side of your trade that is pushing themselves and sharpening their edge. To be successful you must you must do the same thing. Now is the time to examine your mental edge. Do you know the single most critical factor in any currency trade? It is you, the trader! Sharpening you mental edge is the most difficult aspect of trading, but also the most rewarding.
Start with your Forex education and gain the self-awareness necessary to maximize your strengths and suppress your weaknesses. Any expert will tell you that trading is 80% mental. It’s time to sharpen your trading to the razor’s edge and you do this through Forex education. A constant and never ending process that will become the cornerstone of your Forex experience.
5. You must, without wavering, be Determined and Persist to your objective.
You will fail. I can state that emphatically. However, you will not be defeated unless you allow your failures to control your trading. It is the old adage; failure is not falling of your horse, failure is refusing to get back on. Your success depends on your ability to dismiss the criticism, rejection, self-doubt and pressures associated with Forex trading.
Defining what is a winning trade, losing trade and bad trade will go a long way into developing you as a successful trader. Without the determination and persistence in all aspects of your trading life, obstacle will definitely appear closer and larger than they actually are.
Take a moment and assess yourself and your trading. Do you have the key elements to succeed? Which areas are presents development opportunities? When conducting a self-evaluation it is critical to be totally upfront and honest with yourself. After all, you will only be dishonest with yourself. One of the most interesting observations you can make is that all key success factors are interwoven. One factor supports the other. This is why your Forex education is a continuous journey of forex strategy, money management and self-mastery. Set these factors as your Forex education goals and take your currency trading to new heights.
- 10/2/2009 - yorum {0}
Analytik Jena brings an innovation on the market — the contrAA® series — which exceeds the performance of conventional AA spectrometers in all parameters.
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.
High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources.
At first glance:
Maximum versatility and flexibility
Guaranteed stability
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP)
Unique Flexibility
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.
Immediate Readiness for Measurement
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.
Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results
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The AvaFx Foreign
The AvaFx Foreign
11/2/2009 -Kategori: banka finans
The FX Market
The Foreign Exchange market, which is often referred to as the "forex" or "FX" markets is the largest, most liquid and most transparent financial market in the world. Daily average turnover has now exceeded 2 trillion USD. All the US equity markets combined do not reach 3% of the volume traded on the FX market.
Unlike other financial markets, where for the most part you can only profit in rising markets, in the FX market profits are made by accurately predicting shifts in the relative values of any two currencies. So the cyclical changes that affect other markets are meaningless to the FX market. The constant fluctuations of exchange rates offer a continuous opportunity for profit.
Basic Concepts
The term Foreign Exchange means selling one currency and buying another simultaneously. Since currencies are traded in pairs, to profit from an exchange rate move you need to buy the currency that you expect will strengthen and sell the other. For example if you believed that the Euro (EUR) was going to appreciate against the dollar (USD) you would buy the EUR/USD; or in other words buy the EUR and sell the USD. Alternatively, if you believed that the EUR was going to depreciate against the USD then you would sell the EUR/USD; or sell the EUR and buy the USD.
There is no need to wait for a bullish market to profit, for at any given moment, one currency will be strengthening against another. The FX market is therefore constantly producing opportunities to invest.
Ava FX is dedicated to providing the FX trader with an online FX platform, with no compromise on integrity and fairness. Our state-of-the-art FX trading platform AvaTrader, is easy enough to be used by novice traders and yet it provides even the most sophisticated trader with all the necessary tools.
We offer all our traders personal service, ensuring that their trading experience is efficient and hassle free. We know what you need and are ready to serve you. You can begin by trying our free demo with a $100,000 practice account. Look at our resources, read our daily commentaries, sign up for a real account and then start trading.
Ava FX is backed by a large financial institution, which manages over $16 billion in assets. We value your trust and spare no efforts in assuring that your funds are safe and secure with us.
*The high degree of leverage that is obtainable in the trading of off-exchange foreign currency transactions can work against you as well as for you. Leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.
Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors
11/2/2009 -Kategori: banka finans
The FX Market
The Foreign Exchange market, which is often referred to as the "forex" or "FX" markets is the largest, most liquid and most transparent financial market in the world. Daily average turnover has now exceeded 2 trillion USD. All the US equity markets combined do not reach 3% of the volume traded on the FX market.
Unlike other financial markets, where for the most part you can only profit in rising markets, in the FX market profits are made by accurately predicting shifts in the relative values of any two currencies. So the cyclical changes that affect other markets are meaningless to the FX market. The constant fluctuations of exchange rates offer a continuous opportunity for profit.
Basic Concepts
The term Foreign Exchange means selling one currency and buying another simultaneously. Since currencies are traded in pairs, to profit from an exchange rate move you need to buy the currency that you expect will strengthen and sell the other. For example if you believed that the Euro (EUR) was going to appreciate against the dollar (USD) you would buy the EUR/USD; or in other words buy the EUR and sell the USD. Alternatively, if you believed that the EUR was going to depreciate against the USD then you would sell the EUR/USD; or sell the EUR and buy the USD.
There is no need to wait for a bullish market to profit, for at any given moment, one currency will be strengthening against another. The FX market is therefore constantly producing opportunities to invest.
Ava FX is dedicated to providing the FX trader with an online FX platform, with no compromise on integrity and fairness. Our state-of-the-art FX trading platform AvaTrader, is easy enough to be used by novice traders and yet it provides even the most sophisticated trader with all the necessary tools.
We offer all our traders personal service, ensuring that their trading experience is efficient and hassle free. We know what you need and are ready to serve you. You can begin by trying our free demo with a $100,000 practice account. Look at our resources, read our daily commentaries, sign up for a real account and then start trading.
Ava FX is backed by a large financial institution, which manages over $16 billion in assets. We value your trust and spare no efforts in assuring that your funds are safe and secure with us.
*The high degree of leverage that is obtainable in the trading of off-exchange foreign currency transactions can work against you as well as for you. Leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.
Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors
Onshore Engineering

M&H Energy Services has more than twenty-five years of experience in design and construction management of oil and gas pipelines and processing facilities and other pipeline integrity projects. We specialize in gas, liquid, and CO2 pipelines, river crossings, compressor stations, meter stations, production facilities, and gas conditioning and processing facilities. Our dedicated team of professionals is absolutely focused on making your project a success.
From project inception through startup, we will efficiently handle all aspects of permitting, design, procurement, inspection, construction management, commissioning and startup. We support existing project resources with that same efficiency. Our typical project scope includes pipeline, facilities, civil, instrumentation, and electrical. Our integrated operations team can provide support for your pipeline integrity programs, operating procedures, training manuals, maintenance management systems, and complete regulatory compliance. Our abandonment and removal team can help when your facility has served its useful life.
The M&H Advantage
We pride ourselves in maintaining an efficient, un-bureaucratic management structure on every project, whether it's a small modification to an existing process or a complete processing facility. We thrive on "fast track" projects because we don't have the encumbrances of our larger competitors. At the same time, our team of professionals offers that unsurpassed expertise that your project demands. Our "small company" culture and "big company" expertise provides the optimum blend of efficiency and accuracy.
Project Execution
Our project execution method is based on three key areas: quality controls, project controls, and customer satisfaction. Every project, regardless of size, is included in our Quality Execution Program, a performance based system for ensuring quality in all aspects of our efforts, ranging from who works on the project to how details are validated.
As with our quality execution program, our project controls are aggressively performance based, with standardization as a second priority. The objective is to control budget, cost, and schedule in exactly as much detail as is necessary for project success, without reducing efficiency.
Customer satisfaction is everything. If you're not happy, we're not happy. You've heard the clichés. Our business is built on long standing relationships with people who have learned that they can count on M&H Energy Services to look out for the customer's best interest every time. This is a way of life for us.
Engineering Services
- Project Development (FEED)
- Design Engineering and CAD
- Procurement
- Project Management
- Construction Management
- Permitting Support
- Regulatory Compliance and Studies
- Technical Documentation
- Emergency Response Planning
- Abandonment and Removal
For more information, contact Ronnie Stuart at (713) 268-2194 . The email contact for onshore facilities engineering and construction is
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